StarCraft II Amateur Casts

I am a day behind schedule, but here are two videos of me casting two StarCraft games. It was an interesting experience and I enjoyed both games!

In my previous post about StarCraft, I talked a little bit about ShoutCasting – basically being commentators on steroids that spectate and explain the game. ShoutCasting is a major contributor to the excitement of a game, and it is its own industry with many high-level players doing ShoutCasting to entertain and educate fans about the game.

I tried my hand at casting two games. You can watch the game and the cast below:

Some major issues with the casts:

  1. I hemmed and hawwed a little bit too often for my own liking; I think it was my attempt at filling in dead space, but honestly it was grating and made the cast sound less enjoyable, in my opinion.
  2. The game audio is a mite too loud, and my mic was a little too far, which made my cast sound like I was casting from another room. Will bump down the game audio and boost my mic to fix this.

Replays were gotten from GGGReplays.

I am keen to try it out a few more times in the future, when time permits; it was strangely calming to just focus on a few games and cast them.

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